1. Making Up for Lost Time (3:23)
2. The Swinging Bendulum (5:44)
3. Locke's Excellent Adventure (4:01)
4. The Science of Faith (2:19)
5. More Locke Than Locke (3:14)
6. Together or Not Together (4:03)
7. Through the Window (2:08)
8. Dharma Delinquent (1:52)
9. La fleur (2:37)
10. Crash and Yearn (2:30)
11. Your Kharma Hit My Dharma (2:06)
12. Alex In Chains (1:37)
13. I Hear Dead People (1:54)
14. For Love of the Dame (3:18)
15. Follow the Leader (7:51)
16. Sawyer Jones and the Temple of Boom (5:16)
17. The Tangled Web (1:42)
18. Dharma Disaster (5:18)
19. Blessings and Bombs (1:32)
20. Jack's Swan Song (1:16)
21. Dharma vs. Lostaways (4:24)
22. The Incident (3:09)
23. Jacob's Stabber (7:32)
part 1
part 2