Saturday, November 13, 2010

Resident Evil - Biohazard Orchstra

Resident Evil - Biohazard Orchstra

01. Prologue (Pipe Organ Solo).
02. I Won't Finish This Just As a Dream.
03. BH2 - The Beggining of the Story.
04. BH2 - Peace Of Mind.
05. BH2 - Fearful Is No Word For It.
06. BH2 - Secure Place.
07. BH2 - The ultimate Bio-weapon Medley.
08. BH3 - The 1st Stage.
09. BH3 - The Opening.
10. BH3 - Save Room (Reprise).
11. BH3 - Land Of Confusion.
12. BH2 - Credit Line of Whole Staff.
13. BH2 - Special Ending (orchestral part).